5 Gardening Tips for Beginners

by Apr 24, 2019

When you first start out gardening it can be quite confusing and a little overwhelming with knowing exactly what to do. These 5 tips below will help you get on your way to start building a beautiful garden that will have you growing amazing crops in no time.

#1 Grow High Yielding Crops

You want to make sure you can grow crops in a high yielding environment in a small amount of space. This is particularly useful especially if you do not have a lot of space. Tomatoes are a great example of this especially if they are grown vertically. Lettuce, spinach, basil, beet, basil, mint, oregano, arugula, pole beans, cucumbers, zucchini, peas and peppers are other great examples of high yielding crops that do not take up much space. Radishes are one of my favorite. Not only cause they are high yielding and that they don’t take up too much space but because they grow and mature very quickly allowing me to plant more radishes or another crop right away.

#2 Grow Your Crops in Raised Beds

Raised beds, also known as a garden box, are a great way to grow small plots of plants and veggies. Along with these benefits, raised beds also helps prevent contaminates and other creatures like slugs and snails from getting into your crops. It also prevents a better drainage system, prevents soil from clumping up and keeps weeds out of your crops.

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#3 Plant Intensively

Planting intensively means to grow as many crops in the given space available. The majority of gardens are grown with long rows of vegetables spaced widely apart with much of the garden’s area being taken up with the space in between the rows. Your goal is to use this strategy to make the best use of all the extra space and this is where this technique comes in handy. Each crop harvested takes up a different amount of space. For example in square foot gardening the spacing for carrots is 16 per square foot, lettuce is 4 per square foot and onions are 12 per square foot. To learn more about intensive gardening strategies, I recommend two excellent books, Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew and How To Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons.

#4 Grow Vertically

Growing vertically helps you free up space on the ground so that you are able to harvest other crops while dramatically increasing your yields. It is also much easier on your back when the plants are off the ground instead of bending over constantly to prune, pick or water. Another benefit to growing vertically is improving circulation. Stagnant air and high humidity are the main reasons why mold and other bacteria occur. You get less pests and wild animals digging up your gardens and prevent more diseases.

#5 Know Where The Sun Is

Most edible crops need access to about 6 hours of sun light per day. Without this sun light window of time your plants will most likely not survive. So make sure before you do all the hard work with your garden, that you plant your crops in an area where most of the sunlight will hit.

I hope you enjoyed this quick tip guide to starting your garden. If you have any questions please leave a comment below.

Thank you
J&B Lawn
By J&B Merchandise LLC

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